Miles from home in a hostile environment; the last thing you want to hear is “the server is down”. Lives may be on the line. You need information not excuses. Help has arrived – Introducing the New Hardigg TactiCool System. This rugged Mobile military air conditioning system keeps your vital Rackmounted electronics safe from heat, dust and moisture within a closed controlled environment. Keep your electronics cool and online with the Hardigg TactiCool.
TactiCool System Contains:
One 6000 BTU Air Conditioner
For maximum cooling power
One Front Shroud With Clear PVC Window
Window provides clear view and access to equipment
One Rear Shroud With Nozzle Ports and Cable Access
Nozzles attach easy - No tools needed
Cable pass- throughs for easy cable management
Two 6 ft Bio Vent Hoses
Flexible, Strong with sewn in attaching clamps
Two Inlet/Outlet Nozzles
To quickly connect hoses to shrouds
One Hardigg Single Lid Storage Container
Storage and shipping case for you’re AC accessories
TactiCool Mobile AC Unit
The TactiCool system comes housed in a rugged 11U Hardigg Classic Rackmount case making deployment safe and secure from dust, water, and impact. The AC unit is fully operational within the Hardigg Rackmount case – no need to take AC Unit out – Just remove the lids and plug-in. Going from heat and failure to cool and fully operational, the Hardigg Tacticool is your electronic cooling answer.
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